
There are some built-in features never explicitly mentioned. For anybody who doesn't want to read the source code, here are a few


This website's search bar is stupid It only searches team names and person names. There are, however, three extra features: general mode, specific mode, and single-result redirect
General Mode: You searched for "Nathan Smith". The website split that at the space and gave you everybody with "Nathan" or "Smith" in their name.
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Exact Mode: You searched for "Nathan Smith" with double quotes on either end. The website gave you results for everybody with "Nathan Smith" in their name.
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Single-result redirect: If your search only gives you one result, you will be redirected to that page and skip the search page.
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People Pages

The URL for a person's page is built to be flexible. The website database requires every record to have an internal ID number, and that's the base URL for every player. That's kind of clunky and not human readable, so there's other options. We'll be using Patrick Marleau (/person/11210) as our example player. This section's links open in new tabs automatically