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Round 1
Team Original Player Notes
1  - Rob Ramage -
2  - Perry Turnbull -
3  - Mike Foligno -
4  - Mike Gartner -
5  - Rick Vaive -
6  - Craig Hartsburg -
7 Keith Brown -
8  - Ray Bourque -
9 Laurie Boschman -
10  - Tom McCarthy -
11  - Mike Ramsey -
12  - Paul Reinhart -
13  - Doug Sulliman -
14  - Brian Propp -
15  - Brad McCrimmon -
16 Jay Wells -
17  - Duane Sutter -
18  - Ray Allison As part of the NHL-WHA merger, WHA teams were placed at the bottom of the draft order
The Whalers finished 4th in the WHA standings for the 1978-1979 season
19  - Jimmy Mann As part of the NHL-WHA merger, WHA teams were placed at the bottom of the draft order.
The Jets finished 3rd in the WHA standings for the 1978-1979 season
20  - Michel Goulet As part of the NHL-WHA merger, WHA teams were placed at the bottom of the draft order.
The Nordiques finished 2nd in the WHA standings for the 1978-1979 season
21  - Kevin Lowe The Oilers were allowed to keep Wayne Gretzky in exchange for being last in the draft order
As part of the NHL-WHA merger, WHA teams were placed at the bottom of the draft order.
The Oilers finished 1st in the WHA standings for the 1978-1979 season
Round 2
Team Original Position Player Notes
22  - Blake Wesley -
23 Michael Perovich -
24 Errol Rausse -
25 Tomas Jonsson -
26  - Brent Ashton -
27 Gaston Gingras -
28  - Tim Trimper -
29  - Dean Hopkins -
30  - Mark Hardy -
31 Paul Marshall -
32  - Lindy Ruff -
33  - Pat Riggin -
34  - Ed Hospodar -
35  - Pelle Lindbergh -
36  - Douglas Morrison -
37  - Mats Näslund -
38  - Billy Carroll -
39  - Stuart Smith -
40  - Dave Christian -
41  - Dale Hunter -
42 Neal Broten -
Round 3
Team Original Position Player Notes
43 Craig Levie -
44 Guy Carbonneau -
45  - Jody Gage -
46 Boris Fistric -
47  - Ken Ellacott -
48 Mark Messier -
49  - Bill Gardner -
50  - John Paul Kelly -
51  - Norm Aubin -
52  - Bennett Wolf -
53  - Mark Robinson -
54  - Tim Hunter -
55 Jacques Cloutier -
56  - Lindsay Carson -
57  - Keith Crowder -
58  - Rick Wamsley -
59  - Roland Melanson -
60  - Don Nachbaur -
61  - William Whelton -
62  - Lee Norwood -
63 Kevin Maxwell -
Round 4
Team Original Position Player Notes
64  - Steve Peters -
65  - Bob Crawford -
66  - John Ogrodnick -
67  - Harvie Pocza -
68  - Arthur Rutland -
69 Glenn Anderson -
70  - Louis Bégin -
71  - John Gibson -
72  - Vincent Tremblay -
73  - Brian Cross -
74  - Gilles Hamel -
75  - Jim Peplinski -
76  - Pat Conacher -
77  - Don Gillen -
78  - Larry Melnyk -
79  - David Orleski -
80  - Tim Lockridge -
81  - Ray Neufeld -
82  - Pat Daley -
83  - Anton Stastny -
84  - Maxwell Kostovich -
Round 5
Team Original Position Player Notes
85  - Gary Dillon -
86  - Mark Reeds -
87  - Joe Paterson -
88  - Tim Tookey -
89  - Dirk Graham -
90  - Jim Dobson -
91  - Gordon Loveday -
92  - Jim Brown -
93  - Frank Nigro -
94  - Nick Ricci -
95  - Alan Haworth -
96  - Brad Kempthorne -
97  - Daniel Makuch -
98  - Thomas Eriksson -
99  - Marco Baron -
100  - Yvan Joly -
101  - Glen Duncan -
102  - Mark Renaud -
103  - Thomas Steen -
104  - Pierre Lacroix -
105  - Michael Toal -
Round 6
Team Original Position Player Notes
106  - Bob Attwell -
107  - Gilles Leduc -
108  - Carmine Cirella -
109  - Greg Theberge -
110  - Shane Swan -
111  - Brian Gualazzi -
112  - Doug Crossman -
113  - Jay McFarlane -
114  - William McCreary -
115  - Marc Chorney -
116  - Rick Knickle -
117  - Glenn Johnson -
118  - Stanley Adams -
119  - Gord Williams -
120  - Mike Krushelnyski -
121  - Greg Moffett -
122  - John Gibb -
123  - David McDonald -
124  - Tim Watters -
125  - Scott McGeown -
126  - Blair Barnes -